Soumya James

Independent Art Historian


Recent seminar and colloquium talks

  • “Exploring the feminine in Angkor’s visual imagery.” Research workshop on Approaches to the Study of Khmer and Cham Art at the SOAS University of London, May 16, 2017. URL, abstract (PDF). Archived at
  • "Embedding meanings in text, image and context: The reclining Vishnu and Lakshmi carvings at Phnom Kulen". Council on Southeast Asia Studies Brown Bag Series, Yale University, February 15, 2017.
  • "Embedding meanings in text, image and context: Examples from Angkor", Freer and Sackler Galleries, The Smithsonian’s Museums of Asian Art, November 30, 2015.
  • "Ancestral maps and economic networks in Phnom Kulen, Cambodia", Whitney Humanities Fellows Talk, November 18, 2015.
  • "Quintessence of a kingdom carved in stone: Phnom Kulen of Cambodia", Inter Asia Initiative, Yale University, March 26, 2015.
  • "Enacting ritual practices in liminal spaces: The Durga Mahishasuramardini image at Banteay Srei", The Ronald and Janette Gatty Lecture Series, Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, January 22, 2015.